Allow site access

On the Edit or Add District User pages (Setup > Users sub-tab), the Destiny Administrator can select Allow site access to let a district-level user retain their district view and options, and to access each site in the district.

When you give a district user access to individual sites, assign them to an existing district or site access level. Or, click Other to create a new district user access level.

Note: Any access level you create here is not available to individual sites. It is designated as a District access level.

After logging in, a district user with site access gains the following:

  • Access to the district's Welcome page
  • Access to their district-wide view either by selecting Applications menu icon. > District Back Office or the District link in the top-right corner, based on how Destiny is set up at your district.
  • Links to all sites

    Note: Access to the District Warehouse requires the applicable permission.

  • Access to everything allowed for their assigned access level (after selecting a site)
  • Access back to the Welcome page from any site either by selecting Site switcher icon. > View All Sites or the List All Sites link beneath a site's logo (based on how Destiny is set up at your district).

A district user with only site access can log in to any applicable site using the same username and password, but does not have a district view or any district options.

Site access does not include access to Media Manager sites or the ability to add district media to a Resource List.