Update District Options

The Destiny Administrator can use the Update District Options page (Setup > District Options) to configure various options for the entire district. These settings become the default for newly created sites, and some settings can be pushed to existing sites.

Access Levels

Manage Access Levels at the district level either by configuring the default Access Levels that apply to new sites, or by defining and managing the default Access Levels for all sites.

Follett Digital Setup (Library Manager)

Destiny Administrators and district users with the Manage Library Materials for the District permission can push settings for Follett eBooks, Follett Audiobooks, Lightbox™ titles and other Follett Digital resources.

Transition to Resource Manager (Resource Manager)

This one-time, one-way transition moves your Textbook Manager data into Resource Manager. This lets you manage all of your school's learning and facility resources in one place.

important: This process cannot be reversed. Read through all requirements in the user interface before you proceed.

District Calendar

Specify the default closed days for the entire district, and close or open specific days for a given site type or the entire district.

The settings are effective immediately at the sites.

District "Stop" Words

Modify the default Stop Words lists for your district. Stop Words are words that are so common that searching on them is not productive. To save time, Destiny disregards them when they are used in searches.

Note: Any changes you make to the lists require rebuilding one or both keyword indexes.

District "Unsearchable" Words

Add, edit, and delete words patrons cannot search for in Library Manager, which includes Destiny Back Office, Destiny Discover, Collections by Destiny®, and the Destiny Discover Android and iOS apps.

Site Configuration Settings

Customize and set up many of the cataloging and circulation options in Destiny.
You can push each group of settings to a single site, a site type, or the whole district.

One Search Database Information (Library Manager)

Configure One Search databases at one Library Manager site, and then push that complete configuration to all valid Library Manager sites, a group of sites, or a single site.

Patron Types and Library Circulation Types (Library Manager)

Set up Patron Types and Circulation Types for any newly created Library Manager sites, or push the options to a specific site, site types, or the entire district.

Textbook Policies (Resource Manager)

You can set loan periods – the length of time a patron is allowed to check out a textbook – and push the settings to the whole district. Also, set up textbook loan policies. You can select the maximum number of textbook checkouts allowed, automatically change copies from overdue to lost after a specified number of days, block checkouts to students who have fines or overdues, and set up auto-conditioning.

Resource Policies (Resource Manager)

If you have Resource Manager, you can set loan periods – the length of time a patron is allowed to check out a particular resource type – and push the settings to specific sites, site types, or the whole district. If you have Complete or Textbook Edition, you can also set up textbook loan policies. Select the maximum number of textbook checkouts allowed, automatically change copies from overdue to lost after a specified number of days, block checkouts to students who have fines or overdues, and set up auto-conditioning.

Limit Tasks

To ensure adequate performance, Follett recommends that you restrict certain tasks from running during normal circulation hours. You can select which tasks to restrict, and set the hours and days they are restricted.

Note: If your Destiny is self-hosted, Destiny  Administrators can determine high network traffic times by reviewing System Health Reports.

LDAP Servers

If you have an LDAP server, you can configure Destiny to authenticate patron logins with the passwords stored in it.

SMTP Settings

By setting up your mail server, you can enable Destiny and its patrons to communicate by email for features such as library hold notices, resource order shipments, refund notifications, and resource transfer requests.

Help Ticket Integration (Resource Manager)

If you have an external help desk system, you can integrate that system with Destiny. When a help ticket is created in Destiny or has an update in the third-party system, an email can be automatically sent to or from Destiny.

Digital Content Access

Prevent access to digital content stored on your Destiny server from outside your district network.

Password Policies

Require a strong password for patron accounts, set passwords to expire automatically, and set the maximum number of failed login attempts.

OAuth Consumers

If you are running the Aspen® Student Information System, you can configure the Aspen server as a consumer of Destiny resources so Aspen users can securely access Destiny without requiring credentials.

Server Identity

The Destiny server must be the production server, not a test server. The Server Identity process lets the Destiny Administrator identify the Destiny server as the production server.

Convert Currency Codes

Choose your country's regional currency and an exchange rate to convert pricing information on existing library copy records from one currency format to another.

Auto Update Settings

Enable Destiny to automatically check for available software updates on an hourly basis. As the Destiny Administrator (or Super Administrator in a Consortium), you can have Destiny automatically install the updates on a schedule you set up.

Note: These settings are not available to consortium members or to Follett Destiny Cloud customers.


Download a zip file containing the current versions of Destiny's command line utilities and XML converters.

Notes: Make sure to use the current version of any command line utility or converter. To view the version number of your utility, enter the following command at the command line:

<utility name> help