My Favorites

Use My Favorites to view the saved reports you designated as favorites. These are reports you want to run repeatedly without setting up each time. Other users with permission to run reports can also run your Saved Reports.

District users can have favorite district reports, as well as any site-specific versions.

Favorite Reports

After you configure the following reports to meet your needs, you can either click Run Report or Save Setup. If you save the setup, you enter a unique name for the report. You then have the option to Save or Save and Run.

Saved reports appear on the report's Saved Reports sub-tab. To add a report to your My Favorites, click Add to Favorites icon. Reports already in your My Favorites list are designated with Favorite icon.

You can save any of these reports and add them as a favorite:

Library Manager

  • Bibliography
  • Title & Copy List
  • Current Checkouts/Fines
  • Collection Statistics - Historical
  • Report Builder reports

Resource Manager

  • Current Checkouts/Fines
  • Report Builder reports

Media Manager

  • Bibliography
  • Title & Copy List

Patron Reports

  • Current Checkouts/Fines

    Note: When running the Current Checkouts/Fines report from Reports > Patron Reports, resource groups are not adhered to; thus, all resource types will be included in the output.
  • Fine History

Work with Favorite reports

Select Reports > My Favorites.

You can view the name and type of each favorite report, who created it, and the time it was last run. Click the Last Run date to view the results from that time.

  • Run: Click Run to run a report. Each time you run it, the results reflect the current contents of your collection. When you run a favorite report with a date limiter, Destiny displays the saved date and reminds you to change it.
  • Delete: Click Remove from Favorites icon. to remove the report from your list. When you remove a favorite, previously generated reports from your Favorites are not deleted from the Report Manager.

In Report Builder, you can view reports that were created and sent to your school by a district user. These reports are designated by From District icon.. You can run these reports, but you cannot edit them.