Use Notes

To provide information about a particular patron, copy, or item, you can attach notes to the record. There are two kinds: important and regular. When a note exists, a flag icon appears in the Notes section in Patron Status, Copy Status, or Item Status.

Use a regular note to tell the staff non-critical information, such as a reminder that the patron is looking for literature about organized bicycle rides in Iowa or traveling with chickens.

You can also use this type of note to record anything unique about a particular copy. For example, the author signed this copy, or it needs to go to the bindery.

Important notes alert staff to special issues regarding individual patrons, such as having a large fine or a change in borrowing privileges. Also use an important note to alert staff to special issues regarding a copy's circulation. For example, a CD is included and needs to be verified on checkin, or the copy needs to be reshelved with a special collection.

Note: Copy notes are not searchable in the Catalog.

If a note is flagged as "Display this note whenever the patron's information is accessed," a message appears automatically at the top of the page when:

  • You retrieve a patron in Admin > Manage Patrons by clicking Patron Status after searching for a patron.
  • You retrieve a copy in Circulation.

    Example of an important message on the top of the copy status page

If you flag a copy or resource note as important, the message appears automatically at the top of the page. You will see messages when you retrieve the copy or item in Check Out, Check Out Items, Check In, or Check In Items. Notes appear in the Notes section of Circulation > Copy Status or Item Status.

Note: A flag icon appears next to an important note at the top of pages. To clear the flag, deselect the Display this note whenever... checkbox, or click Hide Note in the alert message.

Add a Note

  1. Do one of the following:
    • For Patron Status, select Circulation > Patron Status, and find the patron.
    • For Copy Status, select Circulation > Copy Status, and find the copy.
    • For Item Status, select Circulation > Item Status, and find the item.
  2. Scroll to the Notes section.
  3. Click Add Note, and then type your text (up to 1,000 characters).
    Example of the Add Note a user sees when editing a library copy
  4. To flag the note as important, select the Display this note whenever… checkbox.
  5. Click Save Note.

Note Appearance

Example of the Notes section of a Copy Status page

In the record, multiple notes appear in date order, with the most recently created or modified note at the top of the list.

  • To edit a note, click Edit icon..
  • To delete a note, click Garbage can icon.

    Note: You can delete patron notes globally, by barcode, or based on a list you create (Admin > Update Patrons > Delete sub-tab).

    Destiny automatically deletes patron notes when transferring patrons if your Destiny Administrator selected the Clear patron notes when transferring patrons checkbox on the Edit <District> page.