Job Manager Maintenance

Destiny automatically removes jobs from Report Manager and Job Manager after a specific number of days.This is configured on the Update District Sites page. Destiny's default setting is the maximum retention period:

  • Self-Hosted – 120 days
  • Follett Destiny Cloud – 90 days

Reports and jobs excluded from the automatic removal process:

  • Resource Inventory Change Analysis
  • Textbook Inventory Change Analysis
  • District Inventory Job
  • Inventory Change Analysis Report Job
  • Inventory Lost Copy Delete Job
  • Library Inventory Job
  • Media Inventory Job
  • Resource Inventory Job
  • Textbook Inventory Job
  • Inventory Currency Discrepancy Report
  • In-Progress / Completed Library Inventory Report
  • In-Progress / Completed Media Inventory Report
  • In-Progress / Completed Resource Inventory Report
  • In-Progress / Completed Textbook Inventory Report