Edit Home page (Library Manager)

Customizing your Home page is a great way to welcome your patrons to the online catalog, highlight available resources, announce events, and encourage patrons to use the library regularly.

You can create groups, hyperlinks and text. Using Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) gives you endless options, such as adding graphics, tables, shading, etc. A customized home page can enhance your patrons' experience.

Important: To customize the Home page, you must have the Edit home page permission. See Library Materials Permissions for more on Library Manager permissions.


  • You can edit the Home page without HTML knowledge, but HTML lets you do more elaborate customizations. HTML also lets you use a cascading style sheet (.css), which gives you the flexibility to quickly change the look and feel of your Home page.
  • If you do use HTML, before you bring it into Destiny, the HTML code must be developed in an HTML editor and tested.

    Important: If bad code is brought into Destiny, users may be unable to access Destiny.

Edit Home Page

  1. Log in to your site.
  2. Select Home > Edit Page.
  3. Next to Introductory Text, click Edit icon..
    Edit Home Page
    1. In the Title field, enter a title in plain text.

      Edit Introductory Text

    2. In the Body field, enter plain text or HTML.

      Note: Plain text will appear as text on your Home page. To format text you must use HTML.

  4. To add an image, use the following steps:

    Note: You may only add images from a server. If you do not have access to the Destiny server, you can also use a public server.

    1. In the \FSC-Destiny\fsc\districtResources\images directory, create a \homepage folder.
    2. Add the graphics files to the folder.
    3. Then, add the following HTML to the IntroductoryText to point to the file, such as:

      <img src=”/imagestore/homepage/picture.jpg”>.

    Note: Make sure to use “/imagestore” and not “/images”.

  5. When you are finished, click Save. You return to the Edit Home Page.

Create a group

You can use groups to provide organized lists of URLs to your patrons. For example, you can create a group called ‘Reference Links’ and add the URLs of different online dictionaries and encyclopedias. Use the following steps to create a group:

  1. Select Home > Edit Page >Add a group.
  2. Enter a Group Name.
    Edit Group
  3. Enter the Sort Order.
  4. Click Save.

Repeat these steps for each desired group.

Add links to a group

  1. Select Home > Edit Page >Add a link to a Group.

    Edit Home Link

  2. In the Display Text field, enter the text you want to display on your Home page.
  3. Enter the URL.
  4. In the Group drop-down, select the group for the link.
  5. Click Save.

Note: Links appear in alphabetical order within a group.

When you are finished customizing the Home page, creating groups, and adding links to groups, click Close.